
Analyzify connects your Shopify store with major marketing and analytics platforms: GA4, Google Ads, Microsoft Bing, Klaviyo, and Clarity. Get accurate tracking and enhanced data collection while avoiding data duplication across your marketing tools.

Pre-Installation: Planning and Preparation

Pre-Installation: Planning and Preparation

Some must-do steps before you start setting up Analyzify on your Shopify store and begin your data analytics journey.

How to Upgrade Analyzify

How to Upgrade Analyzify

See the steps you need to take to enjoy the brand-new version of Analyzify.

Debugging Custom Pixels on Checkout Pages

Debugging Custom Pixels on Checkout Pages

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to debug custom pixels on checkout pages.

Adjust Analyzify v4 GTM Container

Learn how to update and customize your tags in Google Tag Manager using Analyzify v4.

Analyzify v4 Data Layer Activation

Learn how to activate the Analyzify v4 Data Layer and adjust your GTM container with step-by-step instructions for seamless integration.

Migration to Analyzify: Avoid Double Counting

Learn how to disable existing tracking, verify data flow stoppage, and set up Analyzify for various integrations including GA4 and Google Ads.

Google Analytics 4 Integration Guide

Analyzify's GA4 integration tracks complete checkout steps, SKUs, variants, and collection information beyond Shopify's native integration. This guide covers both direct and GTM integration setup methods for your store.

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Integration Guide

Analyzify's Google Ads conversion tracking integration enables you to accurately track and measure how your ads drive customer actions on your Shopify store. This guide will walk you through the setup process.

Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Integration Guide

Learn how to set up Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing with Analyzify and effectively re-engage your store visitors. This comprehensive guide covers integration methods, account settings, and best practices for implementing dynamic remarketing tracking on your Shopify store, helping you drive better results through personalized advertising.

Microsoft Bing Integration Guide

Analyzify's Microsoft Bing integration enables seamless event tracking and UET tag implementation through both direct and GTM setup methods, supporting ecommerce events like purchases, add-to-cart actions, and checkout steps with customizable item ID formats.

Upgrade Lightweight Setup to Analyzify 4.0

Step-by-step guide for migrating your Analyzify Lightweight setup to Version 4. Learn how to upgrade your tracking integrations and ensure smooth data collection.

Upgrade Advanced Setup to Analyzify 4.0

Learn how to handle Data Layer integration, manage GTM containers, and implement third-party scripts in the new version.

Validation & Debug

Let's learn how to validate and debug your analytics setup with ease.

Analyzify Integrations

Connect your Shopify store's marketing and analytics platforms through Analyzify's integration hub.

Analyzify Direct Integrations

Direct Integration ensures reliable data collection across your Shopify store using the latest technology. It simplifies setup and maintenance while optimizing performance for key destinations.

Server-Side Conversion Tracking for GA4 Purchase Event

Discover Analyzify's Server-Side Conversion Tracking add-on for Google Analytics 4. Achieve over 98% reliability by sending Shopify order data directly to GA4.

GA4 Server-Side Tracking for GTM Users

This guide is for GTM users implementing server-side purchase tracking with GA4. Learn how to set up server-side tracking for accurate and reliable results.

Microsoft Clarity Integration Guide

Analyzify's Microsoft Clarity integration enables access to visitor screen recordings and heatmaps for Shopify stores through both direct and GTM setup methods, helping merchants optimize their conversion rates with detailed user interaction data.

Server-Side Google Ads Tracking

Technical overview of server-side Google Ads tracking capabilities, focusing on purchase event limitations and Enhanced Conversions compatibility.

Meta Server Side Tracking Guide

Set up Meta CAPI with Analyzify and learn the best practices to track Meta events.

TikTok Server Side Tracking Guide

TikTok Server Side Tracking Guide

Learn how to set up Analyzify's direct TikTok Server Side implementation using Events API. Step-by-step tutorial with content ID verification.