Microsoft Clarity is a free tool for screen recording that shows how users interact with your website. By integrating Clarity, Shopify merchants can watch the screen recordings of their visitors, view heatmaps, and figure out how to improve their website to better their conversion rates. Analyzify is perfectly integrated with Microsoft Clarity. Let's get started and set it up, shall we?
The Clarity integration became available with Analyzify v2.3, so you'll need to upgrade your setup if you are not using the latest version.
To verify your version, search for “Clarity” in your Google Tag Manager container, and you should be seeing the tag named "011.01 - Microsoft Clarity".
- You can move to the next step if that’s the case. If not, please upgrade your version of Analyzify first through here.
Head to Microsoft Clarity, sign up, and create a project.
After you create a project, you can see the project ID in the "Overview" section just like shown in the screenshot. Kindly copy the ID.
Once you got your ID, you'll need to copy it into your Google Tag Manager container. Head to your GTM workspace > "Variables" > "User-Defined Variables", search for "clarity" and click the constant.
In the constant, paste the ID you previously copied in the value section, and SAVE.
Once you saved your variable, submit and publish your container to make the changes live. All done!
Analyzify's GTM Container: Microsoft Clarity
Analyzify offers Shopify & Microsoft Clarity integration through Google Tag Manager. Here are the tags & events that are involved:
Microsoft Clarity Standard Tags
Base Code |
It is the installation tag. It works on all pages. |
Click Analyzify's GTM container page to learn coverage of various tag groups and events with user descriptions.