To modify your primary & secondary conversions, you can follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to Google Ads
Log in to Google Ads > "Tools & Settings" (1) > "Conversions" (2)

Step 2
Make Sure There is One Primary Conversion
Ideally, you should NOT have the same conversion event marked as "Primary" twice (1). You need to change one of them to "Secondary".
Click the conversion you want to change (2).

Step 3
Edit Settings
Click on "Edit Settings" at the bottom-left corner.

Step 4
Click on "Goal and action optimization".

Step 5
Choose Conversion Action
Choose "Secondary" or "Primary" depending on what you are trying to achieve (1). Then click "Save" (2).

Step 6
Check Your Attribution Model
You can also change your attribution model in here, as the "Last click" option is never ideal.

Step 7
Change Your Attribution Model
Google now only offers two active attribution models: Data-Driven and Last Click. The Last Click model disregards all previous marketing channel contacts during a customer's conversion journey. If your organization has a short sales cycle, it may be more suitable for you. However, Data-Driven model is better if you have several marketing channels. You can read our article on Data-Driven Attribution Model for more information.

Step 8
Back to Conversions
Go back to conversions by clicking "Conversions" at the top.

Step 9
Check the Changes
Check if the changes have been applied.