Test & Debug Analyzify Setup

Debug and test your website's data tracking using Analytics Debugger and Google Tag Assistant with Analyzify's in-depth tutorials.

Effortlessly debug and test your website's data tracking with Analyzify's in-depth tutorials.

Option 1: Ask from expert team in app

Once you complete the onboarding form, you will be redirected to the validation phase.

Here, you can submit your validation request, and our expert team will handle it for you.

Option 2: Do-it-yourself

Alternatively, you can debug your events yourself. Follow these step-by-step tutorial to set up Analytics Debugger and test GA4 events:

Step 1-6: Analytics Debugger Setup


For Lightweight Setups:

Proceed directly to Step 8. This section is crucial for verifying the proper function of your setup.

For Advanced Setups:

Initially, review the instructions in Step 7 to check your dataLayer integrations. After ensuring your dataLayer events are working properly with the checks in Step 7, please follow the steps in Step 8 to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Step 7: Check Events in GTM/GTAG

Advanced integration users can debug the following events from the GTM/GTAG section to ensure the dataLayer is working properly.

Check these events if you're using Advanced Setup:

Step 8: Check Events in GA4

Now, let's check the GA4 section to see which events are properly sent by visiting the pages of a store one by one.

There will be a slight difference in the event parameters for Advanced and Lightweight integrations. Please keep in mind the below-mentioned points:

Advanced Integrations

  • For page_view events: Requests containing the user_type parameter and the implementation parameters(App Embed setups after v3.2) are being sent by Analyzify.
Advanced - page_view event
Advanced - page_view event
  • Other events: In addition to the above parameters, the analyzify_source parameter is also included.
Advanced - Other Events
Advanced - Other Events

Lightweight Integrations

  • All events: In the LW setup, it is sufficient for you to check the analyzify_integration parameter for all events.
Lightweight - All Events
Lightweight - All Events

Step 8.7: Check Purchase Event

Firstly, you need to create a 100% discount code including Shipping through the Shopify interface and complete a purchase.

Since it’s managed by the customer events section, the purchase and checkout events won’t appear in the summary section of GTM Preview Mode.

To confirm its functionality, you’ll need to check the console dataLayer argument, monitor the real-time purchase event report in GA4, or check the outgoing requests section in the GA4 tab of the Analytics Debugger Chrome extension, following the same steps as previously outlined.

Create discount code in Shopify
Create discount code in Shopify

Info: You can expect about a 80% accuracy rate for purchases made through the Online Store, excluding GDPR setups.

Now, please complete your purchase using the coupon code you created through the Shopify interface. During this process, please do not close the Analytics Debugger extension and the Dev Tools page that you activated via Inspect > Dev Tools .

Otherwise, you may need to redo the purchase process.

Note: Both LW and Advanced users will follow the same steps. However, Advanced integration users should only see analyzify_source as advanced in event parameters.

Purchase event test
Purchase event test

Step 9: Debug Google Ads Conversions

Here are the steps to follow when debugging Google Ads Conversions:

Option 3: Chrome Extension (Soon 🎉)

Our team is developing the Analyzify Chrome Extension; stay tuned!

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