Theme Updates & Changes - Set up Analyzify Advanced on a New Theme

Are you planning to change your theme? That's great - you can reinstall Analyzify into your new theme within minutes.

⚠️ Warning: Check Your Analyzify Version Before Proceeding!

The steps detailed in this article depend on the version of Analyzify you are currently using. To find your specific version, navigate to the Source Code of your Shopify store and search for analyzify_version . This will help you determine which section of this guide is relevant to you.

Updating Theme with Analyzify for Versions Below V3.2

This section is specifically for users who are operating on versions of Analyzify lower than V3.2. You can follow these detailed steps to update your theme and the best part is that you can do this while your new theme is still NOT published.

Updating Theme with Analyzify for Version V3.2 and Above

If you are using Analyzify version V3.2 or above, the process of updating your theme is streamlined and simpler. Follow these two main steps to update your theme:

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