Pandectes GDPR Compliance (by Pandectes) Setup

See what you need to do to set up Pandectes GDPR Compliance in accordance with your Analyzify container.

You can download Pandectes GDPR Compliance from the Shopify App Store and change your app settings through Shopify Admin > “ Apps ” (left-side tab).

Account Actions

Step 1
Download the App

Download the “Pandectes GDPR Compliance” app by Pandectes from Shopify’s App Store and activate it. Make sure you choose a plan above Basic (Plus, Premium, or Enterprise).

Pandectes GDPR Compliance

Theme Actions

If you have set up the Analyzify app before, you need to do some changes to some of the existing codes first. Let’s go over them together.

GTM Container Actions

If you are using the Analyzify Datalayer Integration , follow these steps to ensure your Google Tag Manager (GTM) container is set up correctly and GDPR-compliant:

  1. Download the GDPR-Enabled (Strict) Container
    • Access the Analyzify app and download the GDPR-enabled container specifically designed for strict compliance.
  2. Import the GTM Container
    • Import the downloaded container into your GTM workspace.
  3. Enable Consent Overview
    • After importing the container:
      • Navigate to your GTM workspace and click “Admin” in the menu.
      • Select “Container Settings” .
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Additional Settings” section.
      • Find and click on “Enable consent overview” .
      • Don’t forget to SAVE your changes!

By completing these steps, your GTM container will align with GDPR requirements while functioning seamlessly with Analyzify's advanced data integration.

Table Of Contents