Reasons for GTM Tags to not Fire

Let's dive into a bunch of reasons why tags in Google Tag Manager may not be firing.

We can list down what causes tags to malfunction as follows:

Main Reasons

1. Checking the wrong theme

The most common scenario we encounter is actually checking for the wrong theme when in reality your tags are working perfectly. So, when you are checking your setup, make sure that you are on the right theme - which is the one you provided us with earlier.

Prior to publishing your GTM container, you should check out the link to the theme in which the codes were added during setup. If your setup is performed on your live theme, it’ll be enough once you preview the link to your website.

2. Incorrect GTM container ID

Another reason for your tags to not fire could be that the ID you’ve provided in Analyzify’s Onboarding phase isn’t correct, as any sort of little mistakes such as mistyping letters, adding spaces or a comma will cause GTM to not work properly.

3. Incorrect constants / inactive tags in GTM

If you use a number of other integrations (such as Universal Analytics, Facebook Pixels, Google Ads Remarketing etc.), you should make sure that the ID related to the tool exists and is correct when you activate the tags.

Oftentimes, these tags are not activated by default, because most of our clients already use the native versions. The tags will start working properly once you activate them when needed.


There are a couple of important things to check to make sure it isn’t the GDPR solution you’re using that causes the tag problem for GTM:

Other Reasons

5. Another app causing GTM setup issues

If your tags are still not firing after checking the previous steps, the issue you are experiencing might be due to a 3rd party app for GTM to not work properly. If you use any GDPR apps, subscription apps, or pagebuilder apps, they have a high change of being the culprit.

6. Having a browser extension that blocks GTM

There are times when some extensions (or even the browser itself) might be causing GTM to not work properly and for tags to not fire. We advise that you make sure there’s not an adblocker activated on your browser and that you use Google Chrome for the best possible results.

If you suspect it is your adblocker causing the issue, look for any checkboxes inside the adblocker settings that indicate the “ adblocker doesn’t function on a given site ”. If you see such a checkbox, uncheck it or try uninstalling the adblocker.

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